Aamir Khan follows a disciplined diet and workout regimen to maintain his physique, especially when preparing for specific roles. Here is a detailed look at his diet plan in both Hindi and English.
- अंडे
(सिर्फ सफेद भाग, लगभग 3-4)
- साबुत
अनाज की टोस्ट
- ओटमील
या दलिया
- ताजे फल या एक गिलास ताजा फलों का रस
मिड-मॉर्निंग स्नैक:
- मेवे
(बादाम, अखरोट)
- ताजा
दोपहर का भोजन:
- ग्रिल्ड
चिकन या मछली
- ब्राउन
राइस या क्विनोआ
- उबली
हुई सब्जियाँ
- सलाद
दोपहर की स्नैक:
- प्रोटीन
- ताजे
फल या सब्जियों का सलाद
रात का खाना:
- ग्रिल्ड
चिकन या मछली
- साबुत
अनाज की चपाती
- उबली
हुई सब्जियाँ या सलाद
- दाल का सूप
देर रात का स्नैक:
- एक गिलास दूध या एक छोटा कटोरा दही
- Eggs (whites only, about 3-4)
- Whole wheat toast
- Oatmeal or porridge
- Fresh fruits or a glass of fresh fruit
- Nuts (almonds, walnuts)
- Fresh fruit
- Grilled chicken or fish
- Brown rice or quinoa
- Steamed vegetables
- Salad
- Protein shake
- Fresh fruit or vegetable salad
- Grilled chicken or fish
- Whole wheat chapati
- Steamed vegetables or salad
- Lentil soup (dal)
- A glass of milk or a small bowl of
Additional Tips:
- Hydration: Aamir ensures he drinks plenty of water
throughout the day to stay hydrated.
- Meal Timing: He eats smaller meals at regular intervals to
keep his metabolism active.
- Cheat Meals: Occasionally, he indulges in his favorite
foods but ensures it does not disrupt his overall diet plan.
Aamir's diet is balanced and focuses on
high protein, low carbs, and healthy fats to maintain muscle mass and reduce
body fat. He adapts his diet based on the roles he prepares for, ensuring it
aligns with his fitness goals.
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