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Tuesday, 3 August 2021

What Is Heartburn?


What Is Heartburn?

Heartburn is an irritation of the esophagus -- the tube that connects your throat and stomach. It's caused by stomach acid. This leads to a burning discomfort in your upper belly or below your breastbone.

Despite its name, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. But some of the symptoms are similar to those of a heart attack or heart disease.

Heartburn Symptoms

Heartburn feels just like its name: a burning sensation behind your sternum, or breastbone, in the middle of your chest. You might also feel it in your throat. You may also:

Feel pain in your chest when you bend over or lie down

Have a hot, acidic, bitter, or salty taste in the back of your throat

Find it hard to swallow


How long does heartburn last?

It can vary. For some folks, it can last just a few minutes. Sometimes it can last for several hours.

Heartburn happens about once a week for up to 20% of Americans and is common in pregnant women.

Heartburn Causes and Risk Factors

Heartburn symptoms can start up because of a problem with a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). It's located where the esophagus meets the stomach -- below the rib cage and slightly left of center.

Normally, with the help of gravity, the LES keeps stomach acid right where it should be -- in your stomach. When it's working right, the LES opens to allow food into your stomach or to let you belch, then closes again. But if the LES opens too often or doesn't close tightly enough, stomach acid can seep into the esophagus and cause a burning sensation.

If your LES doesn't tighten as it should, there are often two things that contribute to the problem. One is overeating, which puts too much food in your stomach. Another is too much pressure on your stomach, often due to obesity, pregnancy, or constipation.

Certain foods can relax your LES or increase stomach acid, including:


Citrus fruits

Garlic and onions


Coffee or caffeinated products



Meals high in fats and oils (animal or vegetable) often lead to heartburn, as do certain medications. Stress and lack of sleep can raise how much acid your stomach makes and can cause heartburn.

If you're pregnant, the hormone progesterone can relax your LES and lead to heartburn. Smoking also relaxes the LES and increases stomach acid.


Heartburn Diagnosis

If your heartburn goes on for a long time, it may be a sign of a more serious condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Your doctor may be able to tell if GERD is the cause of your heartburn from your symptoms. But to tell how serious it is, they may do several tests, including:

X-ray: You’ll drink a solution called a barium suspension that coats the lining of your upper GI (gastrointestinal) tract -- your esophagus, stomach, and upper small intestine. This coating lets doctors see defects that could mean a problem in your digestive system.

Endoscopy: A small camera on a flexible tube is put down your throat to give a view of your upper GI tract.

Ambulatory acid probe test (esophageal pH monitoring): An acid monitor is put into your esophagus and connected to a small computer that you can wear on a belt or shoulder strap. It measures when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus and for how long.

Esophageal motility testing (esophageal manometry): A catheter is put into your esophagus and measures pressure and movement.

Heartburn Treatment

Usually, you can treat heartburn with over-the-counter medicines, including:

Antacids: These medications lessen the acid in your stomach to ease heartburn pain. They can also sometimes help with stomach pains, indigestion, and gas.

Acid blockers and proton pump inhibitors: These drugs lessen the amount of acid your stomach makes. They can also calm symptoms of acid indigestion.

If OTC medicines don’t work for you, your doctor may give you a prescription version of these types of medicines.

Heartburn Complications

Occasional heartburn isn't dangerous. But GERD can sometimes lead to serious problems, such as:

A long-term cough


Inflammation or ulcers of the esophagus

Problems swallowing because of a narrow esophagus

Barrett's esophagus, a condition that can make it more likely to get esophageal cancer


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